

Digital design/ digital fabrication

Corian Lounge by Amanda Levete

Digital design/ "digital craft"

Robotic fabrication by Gramazio & Kohler

Digital design/ analog craft

by Philippe Block Research Group

Analog design/ analog fabrication

Barcelona Pavilion by Mies van der Rohe

Analog design/ analog craft

Berliner Bauakademie by K.F. Schinkel

Design Strategies started as a research project of Prof. Klaus Teltenkötter, digital design and media architecture, in summer semester 2013 at School of Design, Mainz, Germany.

Starting point
The aim of this page is to build up an open and expanding platform for “Digital Design Strategies” in the field of interior design and architecture. In future this page will provide further knowledge related to the topic “Digital Design Strategies”.

Target group
Target group are students and design professionals in the field of interior architecture and architecture which are interested in digital design. It is aimed at designers who want to get into digital design from a conceptual design point of view and learn computational skills.

Design strategies in the field of design, interior architecture and architecture do not depend on one specific software. Manyprinciples shown in these videos can be achieved in a number of ways and with different kind of software.

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Vita Prof. Klaus Teltenkötter

Teltenkoetter_Portrait_01Prof. Klaus Teltenkötter teaches “Digital Design and Media Space”. He studied music in violoncello at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover and architecture at the Technische Universität in Darmstadt. After his studies he gained practical experience in the fields of architecture, stage design, media architecture, here among others in the architectural office of Daniel Libeskind and ag4 mediatecture company. Klaus Teltenkötter works on the development of concepts for the integration of digital media into architecture that are ambitious in terms of design and technology. His current research focus is the exploration of digital design strategies in the field of digital design and digital production methods, robotics. Member of the Art Directors Club ADC.


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