
Excercise 3 (DE1): from surfaces to objects (24min)

The OpenSubDivision-Tool in Rhino is still in Beta version!
The command is: “ToSubD” (before it was “SubDFromMesh”)

Visualisation + 3d Printing
Visualisation with Raytrace:
You need to convert SubD objects to polysurface-objects or mesh objects to be able to see it: command “ToNurbs”.
3d Printing:
CMD “Subdivide”: increase level of subdivision (2 is max right now). Convert back from Subdivision to Nurbs model with Command “ToNurbs” and than to “mesh” to export as STL.

3d Printing: Convert back from Subdivision to Nurbs model with Command “ToNurbs” and than to “mesh” to export as STL.

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