Indivdidual motion space @ domotex 2018
VR application to create individualised spaces by using body movements
»Individual Motion Space« is a virtual reality application, which enables users to create individually designed spaces in real time through the movement of their body. After the creation process the result will be transposed into real space with the help of digital fabrication technologies. Motion sensors within the sculpture will capture movement data in order to create a spatial design with various appearances. The accessible sculpture and the »fablab« bring the project alive for all visitors.
»Individual Motion Space« is a project of master »Spatial Design« in Interior Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz, supervised by Prof. Klaus Teltenkötter and Prof. Bernd Benninghoff. The project is supported by the innovation fund of the University. »Robolab« is a research project supported by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung.
picture show “individual motion space” @ domotex
picture show “making off” installation
Klick pictures to open flickr pictureshow or browse through pictures via arrow keys
Masterstudents and creators of “Individual motion space”
Julian Hermann, Tobias Scheeder, Moritz Frank
»Robolab« Digital Production
Assistent Sascha Urban M.A., Prof. Klaus Teltenkötter, head of workshop Dipl. Ing. Mathias Ewald
Tutors: Kiara Helk, Frank Lukas, Max Witkop
The project is supported by bachelor students of “Digitales Entwerfen 3”
Frank Lukas, Feri Johanda, Nicole Jöger, Marie-Christin Willems, Nadine Mlynek, Lina Katharina Richel, Arlette Schreier, Christina Söder, Lina Vetoshkina, Max Witkop
ADC Art Directors Club Award “Silver”, 2019, Spacial Communication
Preis des Hochschulrats Hochschule Mainz, “Julian Hermann”, 2019
Partner and sponsors

Individual motion space was shown at DOMOTEX 2018 in Hannover