
Renderpresets/ Renderscenes

To get always good results with 3ds max (Mental ray) like shown in renderings on this page, you have to download and load the “DE-renderpresets”. This download also contains the 3ds max scene, used for these renderings. To be able to use “renderpresets” and “3ds max scene”, you need 3ds max 2015 or higher version.

How To Use
1. Download Renderpresets: DE_renderpresets_160411_3ds_2016
2. Unzip Renderpresets
3. Optional: store renderpresets for better organisation under: “Bibliothek/ Dokunente/ 3dsMaxDesign/ renderpresets” (Library/ documents/ 3dsMaxDesign/renderpresets)
4. Open renderpresets in 3ds max 2015 or higher under window “Render Setup/ Common/ Preset/ Load presets”

(enlarge picture with mouseclick for better view)

Choose different render qualities
All “DE renderpresets” are optimized for interior spaces. It is recommended to start with renderpreset: “DE_1_Standard_Daylight”

  • “DE_1_Standard_Daylight_MentalRay”: gives you a good quality in relation to fast rendertime
  • “DE_2_Low_MentalRay”: Fastes version but also causes jagged edges
  • “DE_3_Medium_Presentation_MentalRay”: like “DE_1-Standard” but smoother edges and more rays for light calculation
  • “DE_4_High_Presentation_LittleLightInScene_Mentalray”: smoother edges and many more rays. Good, if you have really small windows and little light comes into your scene. With this your surfaces are often not smooth or have dots.
  • “DE_5_Standard_ArtificialLight”: like “DE1_Standard” but limits the amount of photons per light
  • “DE_6_Standard_ManyArtificialLightsInScene”: you need many artificial lights in your scene. Than this setting saves time and doesn´t creat dots and non smooth surfaces

(enlarge picture with mouseclick for better view)

Issues with render quality
When you have very little light in your scene through small window openings you can eather use “sky-portals” od use renderpreset “DE4_High_Presentation_LittleLightInScene” to avoid non smooth surfaces
When you have many lights in your scene (room), than you can save rendertime with “Renderpreset 6” (desn´t use final gather)

(enlarge picture with mouseclick for better view)
Image precision (antialiasing)
You can change the image precision between low, medium (standard) and high (never use very high). With this you adjust the jagged and smooth edges in antialiasing.

Abstract and fast render qualities
You can create contour and other kind of more abstract renderings and probably change the look even more with post production.

  • “DE_7_ContourRendering_Mentalray”
  • “DE_8_FastAbstractClay_Quicksilver”
  • “DE_9_FastAbstractTech_Quicksilver”

(enlarge picture with mouseclick for better view)

Renderscene for objects

You can use this scene for an easy way of rendering “objects” in a lighting studio. You can either illuminate with “photometric lights” (preset) or with “sky portals” (faster).
Important if you use “renderpresets”:

Download: DE_renderscene_object_WS2014_02

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