Rhino CheatSheet DE1
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further information: see below!
Modeling commands
3d modeling commands
- Join (Ctrl+J) connects objects together to form a single object
- Explode breaks objects down into components
- Boolean Unions, difference, intersect objects from each other
- OffsetSrf Offset surface copies a surface so that locations of copy/extrudes (solid) are same distance from original
- Shell creates a hollowed out shell from a solid
- Trim (Ctrl+T) cuts and deletes selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object
- FilletEdge creates a tangent surface between polysurface edges with varying radius
- ChamferEdge creates a ruled surface between selected polysurface edges with varying chamfer distances
- cap fills planar holes in objects with planar faces
- Patch fits a surface through selected curves, meshes, point objects, and point clouds
- Flip reverses the normal direction of an object.
- MergeCoplanarFace (MergeAllCoplanarFaces) combines adjacent coplanar faces of a mesh, polysurface, or SubD into a single face
- toNurbs converts mesh objects and SubD objects/edges to NURBS surfaces or curves
- Mesh creates a polygon mesh from a NURBS surface, polysurface, or SubD
- ToSubD converts supported object types into SubD objects
3d to 2d modeling commands
- make2d (create 2d drawings) draws object edges and outlines in one or four views as flat curves on the World Top plane
- ExtractSrf ExtractSurface separates or duplicates polysurface, Extrusion, or SubD faces
- Dupborder creates curves from the boundaries of the selected objects
- DupEdge creates curves from the selected surface, mesh or SubD edges
- Silhouette creates outline curves from a selected surface, extrusion, polysurface, or mesh object
2d modeling commands
- CurveBoolean trims, splits, and joins curves based on their overlapping regions
- Offset copies a curve so that all locations on the copied curve are a specified distance from the original curve
- Connect extends and trims curves to meet at their endpoints
- FilletCorners rounds the corners of polycurves and polylines with arcs of a single specified radius
- Chamfer creates a line segment between two input curves and trims or extends the curves to meet the line segment
- Fillet adds a tangent arc between two curves and trims or extends the curves to the arc
- Rebuild reconstructs selected curves or surfaces to a specified degree and control point number
2d curves to 3d modeling commands
Navigation & Orientation
- ProjectOsnap (in snap-menue!) projects object snaps from the actual snap point to the construction plane
- Select (curves, polysurfaces) Dedicated selection commands let you select by object properties
- Lock/unlock (Ctrl+L | Ctrl+Alt+L ) sets the state of selected objects: not selected, snapped, seen...
- BringToFront makes the selected object display in front of all other objects
- SendToBack makes the selected object display behind all other objects
- Move control mouse operation for selecting and dragging
- Mirror creates a mirror-image copy of objects
- rotate The Rotate command rotates objects around an axis perpendicular to the current construction plane.
- scale changes the size of selected objects uniformly in the x, y, and z directions
- Box edit (!) edits objects according to their bounding box size, orientation, and position
- CPlane (!) (surface, 3pt & world top)sets origin and orientation of construction plane in active viewport (in menue!)
- Orient moves or copies, rotates, and scales objects using two reference and two target points.
- ProjectToCPlane flattens objects onto the construction plane
- Visibility Manage object visibility
- Group (Ctrl+G | Ctrl+Shift+G) creates an single named unit (not object!) from selected objects
- Named Views Panel (in option/toolbar)Saves the current viewport as a named view
- Snapshots (in option/toolbar) tsaves and restores layer states, lights, objects, renderings, camera views
The Gumball already covers many challenges in terms of transformation and 3d modelling with its functionalities (VIDEOLINK). Important functions are: Snappy Dragging,
Allign to CPlane/Object, Smarttrack
Using AI in 3D for help with problems and workflows!
It is possible to use AI platforms like Chat GPT and you.com for solving 3D problems and suggesting a workflow for your project. The key to success is a precise question? In you.com, parallel video suggestions are made on the right side of the screen.
Example AI prompts:
- How can I create walls with windows in Rhino 3d?
- Wie kann ich Wände und Fenster in Rhino 3d konstruieren?
- How can I position non orthogonal objects on each other in Rhino 3d?
- How can I project 3d letters on complex objects in Rhino 3D?