
Werkstattgespräche / Dreiform / Ralf Nähring

Oberflächen mit Tiefe
“Design an der Schnittstelle von physischem Erleben und digitaler Erweiterung”

As part of our new event series “WERKSTATTGESPRÄCHE-BEHIND THE SCENES”, Ralf Nähring, Managing Director of the Cologne-based agency dreiform, gave a very exciting lecture on 19 June 2018 followed by a round of discussions.

Since 2001 dreiform has been very successfully developing customer-specific forms of communication in different dimensions in the field of communication in space.

” WERKSTATTGESPRÄCHE -BEHIND THE SCENES” gives you the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of creatives, agencies, companies and developers in a relaxed workshop atmosphere and with cool drinks. In this way, you can broaden your horizons during your studies with a view to possible professional fields and exchange ideas with potential employers.

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